Verdant Dubliner

A subdued creamy thin mint flavor on the front of the palate that gives way to a dark chocolate and coffee finish. A decadent riff somewhere between an Irish coffee and a peppermint patty.

If you leave off the float it is a great whiskey version of an espresso martini.


2 oz Jameson Irish Whiskey
1 oz Espresso
.5 oz Demerara Syrup
2 dashes Remedy Cocktail Company Mexican Chocolate Bitters

1 oz Heavy Cream
.25 oz Irish cream
.25 oz Creme de Menthe

Coffee Bean
OR Mint Leaf


Shake all but float ingredients with ice until chilled and pour up in a cocktail glass. Rinse shaker and shake float ingredients for 15-20 seconds until lightly whipped. Pour over back of spoon to float on top of the cocktail. Garnish with coffee bean.

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Verdant Dubliner